2016 Healthcare in a Slightly Less Imperfect World

Allopathic (western) medicine, Integrative medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Homeopathic medicine, Functional Medicine, Herbal medicine, Naturopathic medicine, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chiropractic, Reflexology, Reiki, Qi-Gong, Magnetic Field Therapy, Bioelectric Therapy, Chelation Therapy, and the list literally goes on and on.

The point is that there are dozens of types of medicine modalities found throughout the globe with all of them likely exuding differing degrees of effectiveness depending on the symptom/disease/condition. Being that we are in the year 2016 with real-time connectivity across the globe, it’d make basic, logical sense that all medical practitioners and “healers” of all walks of life were able to access the latest, most effective information to better serve the public.

In early 2015, I accompanied a family member to their initial visit with an oncologist after having been diagnosed with cancer. My family member’s symptoms were getting progressively more severe for months leading to the diagnosis so the prognosis leading up to the visit was very reserved. During the visit, the oncologist flat out stated that the prognosis was not good and that 3 months was the timeline left to live.

The options presented were that a combination of radiation and chemotherapy might extend their life possibly 1 month.

We then inquired about alternative therapies which the oncologist flat out refused to comment on. The doctor stated, “This is western medicine, I have no comment as to the alternatives.”

I get it… alternative medicine wasn’t part of that particular hospital and wasn’t studied by the oncologist. However, it just seemed coldly ignorant at the time in terms of the limited “tool belt” for treatment.

I thought… is this really the best that U.S. insurance covered medicine can do in the year 2015?


Do you really need to go to 8 to 10 years of medical “training” to simply say, “chemo”, “radiation”… “you’re going to die”?

This piece is not about discrediting the “western medicine” modality of healthcare but rather about the disjointed aspect of the entire global healthcare industry as a whole. The most modern medical facilities in the United States are filled with specialists upon specialists. On paper it sounds like the best way to address disease being that you can “identify” the disease and allocate the best “specialist” to treat it utilizing the best “drug” to “cure” or alleviate the symptoms.

It sounds “smart” but… what are the actual results?

Cadavers don’t care about “smart”… they’ve already walked through that door.

The following is a list (in no particular order) of 35 different doctors (M.D.‘s & Ph.D.’s) who have written books that claim to provide information effectively addressing the disease known as “cancer” outside of the standard radiation/chemotherapy protocol. (I’ve specifically left out books not authored or co-authored by doctors. However, there are dozens of highly rated alternative treatment cancer books available.):

  1. Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer by Dr. John Diamond & Dr. Lee Cowden

  2. A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook: A Step-by-Step Health Program to Give Your Body a Fighting Chance by Dr. Dave Frahm

  3. Anticancer: A New Way of Life by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber

  4. Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Dr. Kelly A. Turner

  5. Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Dr. Patrick Quillin

  6. Sick and Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain by Dr. Robert O. Young

  7. Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients by Dr. Russell Blaylock

  8. Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body’s Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself by Dr. Andrew Weil

  9. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy by Dr. Max Gerson

  10. Overcoming Cancer: and Other Diseases in a Holistic Way by Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura Hillyer & Tomeko Mitsui

  11. The Doctor Who Cures Cancer by Dr. Seymour Brenner & William Kelley Eidem

  12. Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing by Dr. Carlos Garcia & Bill Henderson

  13. The Budwig Cancer & Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig

  14. Extraordinary Healing: How the Discoveries of Mirko Beljanski, the World’s First Green Molecular Biologist, Can Protect and Restore Your Health by Dr. L Stephen Coles

  15. The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody Is Sick and I Know Why by Dr. Peter Glidden

  16. Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission by Dr. Joel Wallach

  17. The Methylation Miracle: Unleashing Your Body’s Natural Source of SAM-e by Dr. Paul Frankel

  18. Cancer: New Cures Revealed - Cure Your Cancer in 14-45 Days with Incredible New, Cutting Edge Medical Techniques and Cancer Curing Treatments by Dr. Nigel Peterson

  19. Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer by Dr. Raymond Francis

  20. How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Dr. Greger Michael

  21. Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

  22. The Cancer Killers by Dr. Charles Majors, Dr. Ben Lerner, & Sayer Ji

  23. The Only Answer to Cancer by Dr. Leonard Coldwell

  24. Hydrogen Peroxide - Medical Miracle by Dr. William Campbell Douglass

  25. Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy: Your Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Natural Oxygen Therapy by Dr. Mark Sircus

  26. Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer by Dr. Thomas Seyfried

  27. Misguided Medicine: The truth behind ill-advised medical recommendations and how to take health back into your hands by Dr. Colin E. Champ

  28. Beating Cancer: Twenty Natural, Spiritual, and Medical Remedies That Can Slow–and Even Reverse–Cancer’s Progression by Dr. Francisco Contreras

  29. Tomorrow’s Cancer Cures Today by Dr. Allan Spreen

  30. The Cure for All Cancers by Dr. Hulda Clark

  31. Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives by Dr. James Carter

  32. Outsmart Cancer: The Proven Cure For Beating Cancer With Healthy Nutrition And Vitamin B17 by Dr. Marjan Bazalac

  33. Take Control of Your Cancer: Integrating the Best of Alternative and Conventional Treatments by Dr. James Forsythe

  34. One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

  35. Cancer: Curing the Incurable Without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation by Dr. William Donald Kelley & Fred Rohe

(Changing subjects for a moment… the platform known as “Yelp” has changed the way many people spend their money. A businesses’ “Yelp” rating appears to be one of the most important influences (outside of a personal recommendation from a friend) on whether a person decides to spend their hard earned money at the establishment. The reason for it’s importance is because the it’s perceived that the average of all the Yelp reviews provides an unbiased, uncompromised perspective of the quality of the product.

If a business exudes a “2-star” Yelp review or below, it dissuades many new customers from giving the place a try. However, if the business exudes a “4-star” Yelp review or above, it tends to encourage new customers to giving the business a chance. The amount of total reviews generally gives greater credence to the rating as it is perceived as being more difficult to artificially manipulate.)

Back to the topic at hand…

From compiling the review rating for all 35 books (3,692 total reviews as of 1/15/16) listed above, the average provided by Amazon customers is 4.5 stars. This is considered very good by most rating standards.

The question is whether it automatically equates to there being “truth” behind the general message of all these doctors. Is there a specific set of factors that led to the development of cancer and can this disease not only be prevented but effectively cured utilizing non-harmful, non-violent methods?

Basically… is it real?

From an Allopathic (western) medicine perspective none of these books are “real” since they lack the peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support the claims that cancer can be cured utilizing the stated methods. It’s a fair point from that perspective but it doesn’t necessarily equate to the necessity for perpetuating a perspective of being willfully ignorant of the possibilities.

The next question that arises is if there is no “peer-reviewed scientific evidence” to support the claims by these 35 doctors… what do they have?

Hypothetically speaking it would appear that these 35 doctors would likely have or know patients who have in fact recovered from “incurable” stages of cancer. Hypothetically speaking these 35 doctors might have access to “before and after” medical records documenting their recovery from disease. Furthermore these 35 doctors might have access to dozens of patients, either their own or from colleagues who have had success utilizing these “alternative” modalities of healing.

Based on having read the Amazon reader reviews of these books in which anonymous people claimed to have reversed their cancer, it would appear rather logical that further investigation is warranted. It doesn’t appear logical that any real doctor from any field of medicine would turn a blind eye to the possibilities of reversing life-threatening diseases. It’s not as if it would take millions of dollars or a huge staff to investigate the claims.

The ninth book on the list was written by a man named Dr. Max Gerson. His book is titled “A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy” originally published in 1958. It’d appear that in 2016, it would not be entirely difficult to provide an extensive list (500 or more) of cancer patients who have reversed their disease utilizing alternative methods if there is any truth to their effectiveness.

An extremely simplistic manner in which this could be done is as follows:

  1. Contact all 35 doctors who have written these books in addition to potentially dozens more who claim great results utilizing non-allopathic modalities of medicine from all around the world.
  2. Request their top 10 recent severe cases in which they’ve witnessed disease reversal as it pertains to cancer.
  3. Request extensive medical records of all top 10 cases. Any reports without medical records will be disqualified.
  4. Compile the entire database of patients (potentially 500 or more total with stage 3 or 4 cancer) and the precise diet, supplements, and treatments utilized to reverse their disease.
  5. Review the overlap of treatment type and perspective from all forms of healing.
  6. Create a scientific board that succinctly explains the scientific method and reasoning behind how the healing took place.
  7. Compile a database of all healthcare practitioners across the world (western, eastern, northern, southern)… doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators. That total number would be in the hundreds of thousands.
  8. Publicly publish the results of the total database or patients as well as send the results to the total database of healthcare practitioners.

While this still would not constitute as “scientific, peer-reviewed” proof of effectiveness, it would create discussion. Without discussion… there is no progress. At some point in time, it is an inevitability that many of the doctors/nurses or family/friends of them working in the western healthcare system will develop cancer. It makes little sense to not collectively search for greater truths.

The next step would be as follows:

  1. Create a designated clinic in which any willing stage 3 or 4 cancer patients would be accepted for free.
  2. The patients medical records would be published publicly.
  3. They would then be treated utilizing what is considered the most effective therapy available by these “alternative” medicine doctors. All the information regarding dosage, frequency of administration, method of administration will be publicly listed.
  4. This would be documented real-time in the form of a designated videography team, as well as the patient being required to provide a daily video blog and social media updates.
  5. The patients progression or digression would be documented publicly by a doctor.
  6. The doctor would provide an initial prognosis, a mid-stage prognosis, and a review at the end of a treatment that would be published via video blog and social media posts from the doctor.
  7. This would be an ongoing, indefinite project.

Once again… this still would not constitute as “scientific, peer-reviewed” proof of effectiveness, it would create discussion. Without discussion… there is no progress.

There can only be one truth.

Either all of these doctors have written delusional lies based on faulty science and all of their amazon reviews are likely falsified in order to sell books.

Or… there just might be some truth to what they have written, seen, and apparently implemented up until this day. A project such as this just might stir a few “adventurous” minds to actually take it upon themselves to conduct an official study on each specific detail of the effective protocol separately. Then they would take on the tedious necessity to test each detail combined. Then maybe 50 years from now we could truly unequivocally know the “science” as to why certain alternative/holistic modalities “work”. Then 10 years after that we can get the necessary 20+ peer reviewed papers published supporting it’s implementation (half joking).

An open, transparent project such as this is necessary for the progression of the entire healthcare industry as a whole. The general public throughout the world deserves to receive the absolute best healthcare of this era from the least obstructive methodology at the best price.

The recent case of Sammie Moss, a 15 year old from Atlanta, showcases a glaring problem within the Western Medical Healthcare system. Moss had suffered debilitating symptoms for months having been misdiagnosed and when she finally got diagnosed with Lyme disease, the treatments provided little help. Now Moss is heading to Germany for 12 weeks of treatment at a clinic that boasts a 97 percent cure rate for Lyme disease.

The misdiagnosis is a blunder but isn’t the main issue.

The lack of effectiveness from current western treatments is eye-opening but it still isn’t the issue.

The fact that an overseas clinic boasts a 97% cure rate and that this same exact protocol of healing isn’t offered in Atlanta where Moss is from is the key issue at hand. If Moss does indeed get cured from her stay in Germany, there should be absolutely no reason whatsoever why anybody in the US with Lyme disease cannot receive the same exact treatment within their own cities shortly thereafter the results are released.

There simply is no logical reason that this cannot happen.

In fact, whatever protocol is being utilized in Germany for Lyme disease should be published publicly and utilized for any Lyme disease diagnosis throughout the world. This is how healthcare should work in 2016, corporate interests be damned.

It’d be rather simple… Moss comes back happy and healthy. Her test results verify that she is cured from the disease. Every doctor and nurse in America is made aware of this particular case via e-mail. The exact protocol is delivered in this e-mail and the modality can then be implemented.

This is hardly “rocket science”…

Do you really need “scientific, peer-reviewed” proof to implement the program? Don’t you have proof enough as it is… your method didn’t work and an alternative that treats a vast number of people currently did?

I feel the need to remind allopathic practitioners that it is 2016… there is this thing called the internet. There is Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and all sorts of testimonials and information spread throughout these channels “scientific, peer-reviewed” or not. People with no obvious motives to capitalize on these reports and testimonials are willingly sharing their information with each other.

There are hundreds of books specifically dedicated to the benefits of an Alkaline diet/lifestyle with thousands of testimonials about people reversing a myriad of health problems from adopting this method. Can they all be a bunch of crazy liars?

Are we really going to continue touting the fact that diet bears no meaning on one’s health? Are we really going to continue touting the “buffering capacity” of the body as a reason for why the Alkaline diet health benefits has no truth? Are we really going to ignore the advances in the comprehension of extracellular environments and the Epigenetic changes that take place from this?

What sense does it make to continue paying into an increasingly expensive healthcare system that is stuck in 1982?

It’d make a whole lot more sense to forego buying into the healthcare system altogether and instead utilize that $400 to $500 monthly expenditure to purchase quality literature, quality supplements, quality food, quality health revitalizing equipment, and take a few moments to walk outside or do light exercise daily.

I’ve recently seen a 29 year old diabetic patient being treated by multiple “specialists” administered the following substances on a regular basis:

Prazosin (blood pressure)

Renagel (reduce phosphorus/kidney disease)

Docusate (laxative)

Furosemide (fluid retention)

Simivistatin (cholesterol/triglyceride)

Venlafaxine (depression/anxiety)

Ferrous Sulfate (anemia)

Metoclopramide (reflux)

Trazodone (depression)

Hydromorphone (pain)

Gabapentin (pain/seizures)

I have yet to see one peer-reviewed scientific study that showcases the efficacy of administering all 11 of these substances to a human at one time. Yes, there are trials showcasing the “efficacy” of all these substances separately but I have seen none showcasing the efficacy of even 5 of these substances combined let alone all 11. This patient unfortunately continues on this protocol while visiting the emergency room on a bi-weekly basis based on complications.

Were is the consistency in the stringent mindset of… “show me the scientific, peer-reviewed” evidence? Were is the effectiveness?

Sometimes I think “we” as a collective society have become so “smart” that we’ve become painfully stupid.

There’s a curious case that dates back to 1987 in which a man known as “Dr. Sebi” (Alfredo Bowman) was arrested in New York due to an advertisement in the New York Amsterdam News claiming that his company (Usha Research Institute) was capable of curing AIDS, cancer, sickle cell, lupus and other “incurable” diseases. His reported modality of healing was based on utilizing alkalizing herbs.

The case was #2781 brought to the New York Supreme Court for practicing without a medical license, making fraudulent medical claims and selling products not approved by the FDA. The judge required that Sebi show documented proof of the effectiveness of his protocol requiring 9 witnesses to come forward. Instead of 9 witnesses, Sebi provided 77 witnesses with their official medical records before the treatment and after the treatment. He was subsequently found not guilty in the case.


For the last time… this still would not constitute as “scientific, peer-reviewed” proof of effectiveness, it would create discussion. Without discussion… there is no progress.

It’d make the most logical sense that rather than requiring “scientific, peer-reviewed” proof prior to treating a patient in a non-harmful manner, to actually study severe cases of disease that have been reversed and subsequently reverse engineer how the healing took place.

In a perfect world all the doctors and healers across the globe compile all the available information in a transparent format to utilize the cheapest, quickest, and most effective treatment possible for everyone, everywhere for free.

I’m a realist so let’s shoot for somewhere in the middle and instead strive for a slightly less imperfect world in 2016.

Please like my new Facebook Page for updates. You can also E-mail me at q4lt00@gmail.com or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation.


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PDF Version of Q4LT Series

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