Q4LT.com will become DMTQuest.com

We’ve recently launched our “DMT Quest” venture in order to address some specific issues taking place in the research sector of endogenous DMT. We will be transitioning all the content on Q4LT.com and it will reside in the blog section of DMT Quest! (dmtquest.com)We will be making this complete transition of content over the next 2 weeks and will eventually dissolve the Q4LT.com domain following this time period.

We look forward to continuing to share interviews and information on the DMT Quest blog in the future! Please share any comments or suggestions at our new e-mail dmtquest@gmail.com!

Thank you for reading this blog for the past few years!


Now read this

Thomas Edison, Hypnagogia, & Anesthesia

There are five different brain wave states (speeds) currently accepted by the scientific community. They are as follows: Gamma - 27Hz and higher Beta - 12Hz to 27Hz Alpha - 8Hz to 12Hz Theta - 4Hz to 8Hz Delta - 0Hz to 4Hz When we begin... Continue →