Questions for the Lion Tamer… Book Now Available!

Since I’ve received dozens of requests for a hard copy version of the information found on this site, I’ve decided to compile them in a book format. The book spans 352 pages and costs $19.99. I’ve set this price as a “nature tax” being that all the content can be found here at for free. Hopefully it will give your eyes a rest from reading extensively on an electronic device. I’ve tried to present the info on this site in a sequential format that makes sense in terms of tying in the synchronous changes in the electrical brain/body alongside hormonal/neurotransmitter fluctuations. While DMT has been the focal point of discussion at Q4LT, it seems that our entire endogenous “hallucinogenic” system is in play. Enjoy the hard copy and If you feel inspired, please leave me an honest review at Amazon!

Questions for the Lion Tamer: Delving into the Mystery that is DMT



Now read this

Thomas Edison, Hypnagogia, & Anesthesia

There are five different brain wave states (speeds) currently accepted by the scientific community. They are as follows: Gamma - 27Hz and higher Beta - 12Hz to 27Hz Alpha - 8Hz to 12Hz Theta - 4Hz to 8Hz Delta - 0Hz to 4Hz When we begin... Continue →