Out of Beta Experience

Sometimes it can be a difficult proposition to differentiate amongst definitive subtleties especially in sensory perception. Recognizing the physical and mental differences between brain wave stages without the luxury of an EEG machine or even one of these consumer grade brain-computer interface devices can be a daunting task for the average person.

Most of our sober, waking life we will likely be operating predominantly in Beta wave as we actively problem solve and retain a high state of awareness. Those moments when we are reading a book that captivates the imagination of the mind, watch an emotionally charged movie, or drink that second glass of wine… we might drift out of Beta and into Alpha temporarily. It’s one of the reasons humans generally crave things such as movies, “happy hour”, and books that stretch the imagination. All we know is that somehow we feel good when we are in these stages of relaxation.

Theta brain waves are generally only consciously experienced in extremely brief moments prior to sleep or if you’re under the age of 6. Most of the general public that has yet to undergo a variation of deep hypnosis, sensory deprivation or intense meditation will not be well versed in identifying Theta waves while in a conscious waking state.

For those that have read a few Q4LT pieces regarding “Miracles”, Melatonin, DMT, respiration, and brain wave states… direct experience allows us to perceive the discussion from the inside out. Much like the International Academy of Consciousness motto “Don’t Believe, Experience”, Q4LT provides you with a 58 minute audio track that should undoubtedly induce an “Out of Beta Experience”. Whether you remain in Alpha or Theta waves will likely vary based on an individual’s prior experiences and physiology. Our working hypothesis is that brain wave stages outside of Beta allow us to potentially produce the hormonal balance that allow us to tap into our electrical body more effectively. The best recommendation for an optimized experience are as follows:

  1. Follow the directions throughout the track.

  2. Refrain from eating directly prior to listening.

  3. Listen in a darkened room and/or wear nightshades (this one is recommended as it allows you to open & close your eyes while wearing),

  4. Listen while lying down comfortably. If you are an experienced meditator feel free to sit in whatever position is most comfortable for you.

  5. Wear comfortable headphones if possible (not completely necessary).

  6. Try to schedule the audio session when you won’t be disturbed by others.

  7. Don’t forget to breathe (very important).

This audio track is comprised of music and instructions to follow. Enjoy the experience and share your feedback with Q4LT at our Facebook Page, Twitter, or E-mail me at q4lt00@gmail.com.

For a more extensive look at the potential effects of DMT synthesis within the body and how they correlate with externalized and internalized experiences read “Measuring DMT Formation in Humans”, 6-part Series on DMT & Gamma Waves as well as the “Wild Theories” series.


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PDF Version of Q4LT Series

I’ve had numerous requests regarding a printer-friendly version of these blog posts in order for people to be able to read them offline. I’ve included the 6-part series of DMT & Gamma Waves as well as the Wild Theories Series and... Continue →