Q4LT Reading List

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of books that are great reading material in which we can expand our knowledge base and imaginations. The following list comprises of books Q4LT has read and recommends for anyone interested in the non traditional realms of thinking. While the list is organized in terms of favorites… they all serve their place in terms of the current and future pieces on Q4LT.

1. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Dr. Robert O. Becker Extremely interesting book that outlines Dr. Becker’s insights into the electrical aspects of the body specifically as it pertains to regeneration capabilities. One of the key points i found intriguing was when channels of pain were blocked artificially, the natural regeneration faculties of the animal failed to respond normally. This book is a must read if you have any interest in digging further into the potential of the human mind/body.

2. DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences by Dr. Rick Strassman Identifying an internally produced molecule in the human body that correlates with spiritual/paranormal experiences is invaluable to the progression of literally everything. Dr. Strassman shows much grit and perseverance when documenting all the necessary tribulations of taking on such a daunting task of administering DMT in a clinical setting. This is a must read as this is not simply a book about the reported effects of a hallucinogen. This is about expanding the mind to the possibilities of what lies in the past, present, and future of human existence.

3. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart A very solid read that compiles many scientific experiments and testimonials that showcase the fact that mainstream science just might not be aware of the consistency amongst the supposed anomalies in the corners of the scientific field.

4. Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Dr. Brian Weiss A candid book by Dr. Weiss that recaps his experience with a girl named Catherine. He gives his honest emotions as he delves into the world of somnambulism/deep hypnosis that an Ivy League education doesn’t prepare anyone for.

5. Biological Transmutations by Dr. Corentin Louis Kervran A book that makes a lot of sense… almost too much sense once you’ve begin to understand a lot of the shortcomings of the modern day healthcare system and dietary recommendations. To understand the earth/soil is to understand the human body…

6. Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Dr. Michael Newton Mind blowing book from an atheist hypnotherapist about what his patients experience as he brings them into a deep hypnotic state. The consistency amongst his patients is head scratching as they see not only their “past lives” but their deaths and where they end up going as they transition from this plane of existence to the next.

7. Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind by Dr. Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer Dr. Mayer explores the realms of the what many mainstream scientific circles discard with disdain. Very good read with a great beginning that delves into the world of dowsing.

8. Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet by Sydney D. Kirkpatrick As thorough as it gets when it comes to the “Father of Holistic Medicine” Edgar Cayce. When you dissect it at it’s most basic, Cayce was capable of putting himself under hypnosis which allowed him the capability of doing things most “normal” people are incapable of. In reality… the opposite might very well be true.

9. Demystifying the Out of Body Experience: A Practical Manual for Exploration and Personal Evolution by Luis Minero If you are looking for a practical manual to induce an OBE (Out of Body Experience), this is as good a resource as there is. The author Luis Minero taught a course specifically on OBEs and paranormal phenomena at Miami Dade College from 1997 to 2002.

10. Life from Light: Is it Possible to Live Without Food? A Scientist Reports on His Experiences by Dr. Michael Werner 99% of people that read this book will simply shake their head in disbelief. Either Dr. Werner is a lying fabricator with no clear motive for doing so or… there is much more to learn about our inherent capabilities as humans.

11. The Book of Floating: Exploring the Private Sea by Michael Hutchinson & Lee Perry Sensory deprivation float tanks basically put the human in an environment where they float in a heavily concentrated salt water tub in complete darkness which has been engineered to provide the same temperature as that of the average human body. This essentially allows for deep relaxation in which the mind goes to places it cannot access under normal circumstances.

12. Secrets in the Fields: The Science of and Mysticism of Crop Circles by Freddy Silva An informative yet humorous look into the topic of “Crop Circles”. While the general public has bought the official narrative of rogue artists sneaking into fields at night to design these intricate patterns, author Freddy Silva takes an in-depth looks at some of the details as to why this might not be the entire story…

13. The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon Dolores Cannon is/was one of the most prolific writers when it comes to documenting hypnotic regression cases. This book isn’t for the beginner or uninitiated to the capabilities of the subconscious mind. I will leave it at that.

14. The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long This book was originally published in 1948 but it is truly timeless. Mr. Long documents what he observes from Hawaiian “Kahuna’s” as they perform feats such as walking on molten lava and other unexplainable phenomena.

15. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder The stories are fascinating and not too far fetched once you have a firm grasp/understanding that the human brain is an antenna… an antenna to what? I’m not entirely sure.

16. Mysteries: An Investigation into the Occult, the Paranormal and the Supernatural by Colin Wilson One term can be used to describe this book… depth. The author delves into the hierarchy of selves that you will ironically discover is a common theme if you have read the previous 15 unconnected books on the Q4LT list.

17. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles by Dr. Bruce Lipton Genes control your fate or do you control which genes express themselves? A fascinating introduction into the field of Epigenetics and how we affect ourselves in ways long thought impossible.

18. Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda While mysticism on this level is largely thought of as hyperbolic posturing… take it as you will. The book is a look into the many supernatural occurrences that an Indian Yogi sees throughout their lifetime.

19. Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan This book apparently had to be labeled as “fiction” in order to appease the publishers. Like many of the other books on the Q4LT list, the line between “fact” and “fiction” blurs rapidly but based on the information found in the rest of this reading list, “Mutant Message” doesn’t appear so “fictional”.

20. The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure by James Redfield A classic read that can put you in a waking dream state as the twist and turns of this adventure bring your mind to another level of what is possible on earth.

21. The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision by James Redfield A great sequel to the Celestine Prophecy as the author James Redfield continues his epic adventure of cracking the code of prophecy.

22. The Secret of Shambala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight by James Redfield The story of the trek towards an “inter dimensional” city? Just a fun read and a book that you can definitely get lost in.

23. The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision by James Redfield A fitting way to close the series by James Redfield. I do suggest picking up these 4 books and immersing yourself in them.

24. We the Arcturians: A True Experience by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich The details will leave you scratching your head. While the field of “automatic writing” is difficult to wrap one’s head around, Dr. Milanovich documents an intricate experience that doesn’t seem so far-fetched when having been introduced to other phenomena prior. Not a book to start off with.

25. Bending God: A Memoir by Eric Robison This book resonated on various levels and is an interesting first-hand perspective on the author’s experience with paranormal, super natural abilities that can be taught/replicated and honed.

26. Fringe-ology: How I Tried to Explain Away the Unexplainable– and Couldn’t by Steve Volk Volk walks the tight rope of skeptic and potential believer with great agility as he covers a very wide array of topics that make the average person squeamish. He never commits to one side or the other merely asking questions that tend to open the mind.

27. Conversations with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained by Dolores Cannon I had never been familiar with the topic of Nostradamus prior to this book. Apparently via deep hypnotic regression therapy Dolores is able to tap into different people who had contact with Nostradamus in the past. It’s entertaining to say the least.

28. The Forgotten Promise: Rejoining Our Cosmic Family by Sherry Wilde This book is a first hand perspective from Sherry Wilde as to phenomena that is largely considered negative. Wilde shifts the perspective altogether and should be commended for her bravery in doing so.

29. Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon Much like her book on Nostradamus, Dolores Cannon is able to tap into the past life experiences of a few clients that had experiences during the era and area in which Jesus lived. This isn’t a book from a religious perspective at all.

30. They Walked with Jesus: Past Life Experiences with Christ by Dolores Cannon Another book that details some of the stuff that you won’t find in religious texts as it relates to the life of Jesus Christ. Much like the prior book, this is not from a religious perspective.

31. Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation by Dr. Gina Cerminara Dr. Cerminara did her best to document the best cases in which seer Edgar Cayce discussed his most prolific readings in regards to the concept of reincarnation. It’s a very good read that coincides with much of the other books on the Q4LT list.

32. The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality by Michael Talbot This is considered the original classic that spurred much of the mysticism discussion over the past few decades. Great resource that cites a lot of names & dates that can be referenced for future investigation/reading.

33. Light: Medicine of the Future: How we can use it to Heal Ourselves Now by Dr. Jacob Liberman Sometimes you read something that makes sense because it reverberates with the official narrative that you’ve been accustomed to. Other times something makes sense based on intuition and/or direct experience. This is one of those books that opens up your mind to the possibilities of the future as the optometrist Dr. Liberman documents some interesting findings as to the healing ability of “light medicine”.

34. Becoming the Iceman by Wim Hof & Justin Rosales An enthusiastically written story by Hof & Rosales about overcoming our own mental pitfalls when attempting to push the envelope in terms of our inherent capabilities. While this isn’t as polished as some of the other books on this list, it’s important to note that it documents the story of a regular young college student that taps into his own “supernatural” abilities once “Iceman” Wim Hof enters his life.

35. Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century England by Keith Thomas A very entertaining and interesting book that delves into the history and entrenchment that “magic” played during the 16th & 17th centuries. It was such an inherent part of society during those times and it provides great insight as to the reason for the decline that has lasted up until today.

36. The Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall While I found about Manly P. Hall’s work largely based on his insights on the human body, this book is a solid read and makes you wonder if destiny truly a reality based component of the journey of life.

37. Shree Shirdi Sai Baba of South San Francisco: Divine Touch by Anita Bawa & Gwyn McGee I’ve been fortunate enough to meet the subject and read this book. It doesn’t sound real but when you meet the subject and experience the phenomena… it doesn’t matter how real or unreal it “sounds”.

38. Meditation Within Eternity: The Modern Mystics Guide to Gaining Unlimited Spiritual Energy, Accessing Higher Consciousness and Meditation Techniques for Spiritual Growth by Eric Pepin A pretty concise book as to provide a solid starting point for meditation. Interestingly enough, the three energy centers (lower mid-section, heart, & forehead) cited in this book happen to coincide with electrical centers cited in the first book on this list “The Body Electric”. The negative (-) points (hands/feet) are used to charge/recharge the three positive (+) points much like an electrical battery operates.

“The Body Electric” (Left), “Meditation Within Eternity” (Right)

39. The Edgar Cayce Reader by Edgar Evans Cayce While not as in-depth as “An American Prophet” a great read nonetheless. Cayce’s stories always tend to mesmerize…

40. Healing is Voltage: The Handbook by Dr. Jerry Tennant While the formatting of the book has it’s issues, there are some gems of information found throughout.

41. Path of Empowerment: New Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos by Barbara Marciniak While many have this book at the top of their lists when it comes to guidance from outside sources, perhaps I read this book a bit late in my journey. It felt as though much of the information was reinforcement on other literature but it’s still a good book nonetheless.

42. DreamHealer: A True Story of Miracle Healings by Adam A short book that provided good first hand details on how it felt for Adam to acknowledge and implement his energetic “healing” capabilities.

43. Do What Thou Wilt: A Life of Aleister Crowley by Lawrence Sutin It felt as though I was forced to read this book based on the general list of paranormal classics. While Crowley was considered “evil” by many, he seemed more so sad, lost and bitter. There was nothing particularly resounding about this read but it was comical at times.

Health Related Books

While books such as “The Body Electric”, “Light: Medicine of the Future”, and “Healing is Voltage” can be included in this list, I decided to include them in the original general reading list to emphasize the electrical aspect of the body as it correlates with the spiritual/super natural. Even the Edgar Cayce, hypnotic regression & “Book of Floating” books can be included in health related genre if you look from a wide perspective. The following is a list of books as it pertains specifically to our health and some key pieces in the puzzle of wellness from my own experience and findings.

1. Could it be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses by Sally M. Pacholok R.N. & Jeffery Stuart D.O. This book provides a key starting point to as to potentially understanding why your mind/body wellness isn’t up to par. Some truly eye-opening accounts of patients with severe mental & physical disturbances that were effected by B-12 deficiency. While some of the literature suggests that reversing B-12 issues isn’t possible without receiving externally administered B-12, this is not entirely true as optimizing liver/digestive function can reverse an entire score of health issues.

2. Epi-paleo RX: The Prescription for Disease Reversal and Optimal Health by Dr. Jack Kruse There is no better proof of concept than implementing and experimenting on oneself. Dr. Kruse has done just this as he reversed his morbid obesity and more importantly studied himself all the while on a cellular and systemic level in the process. He also reiterates the role that the concept of Epigenetics plays on our health. Kruse has made quite a name for himself in this internet age as he consistently posts a wealth of information on his [website] (www.jackkruse.com)& has an interactive forum to discuss concepts.

3. The Iron Time Bomb: How Iron Adversely Affects Your Health: How to Use Nature’s Mineral Chelator IP6 Rice Bran Extract for Better Health by Bill Sardi A very interesting read on how our body reacts to the accumulation of Iron in the body.

4. Cancer is not a Disease - It’s a Survival Mechanism by Andreas Moritz This book is definitely against the grain in terms of what we are generally taught about “cancer” in the mainstream press and medical school. I’d suggest reading it and decide whether there is logic behind the argument or not for yourself.

5. (Not a Book) Website by Dr. Laurence Wilson This website by Dr. Wilson is largely dedicated to providing information as to the health effects of mineral balance or imbalance in the human body. A wealth of information that largely coincides with much of the health books listed here.

6. IP6 + Inositol: Nature’s Medicine For The Millennium!: Discover How A Cocktail of Simple Molecules Can Prevent And Fight Cancer And Other Diseases by Dr. AbulKalam M Shamsuddin M.D., PhD. Another unconnected perspective on the effect of Iron on our body as well as the scientific studies that showcase some of the positive effects of IP6/Inositol, a compound that effectively removes excess iron from the body.

7. The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body by Andreas Moritz You probably wouldn’t believe the positive effects of doing a liver or gallbladder “cleanse”. I wouldn’t have either until I accidentally induced one and then read about it’s effects after the fact. This book will likely not be endorsed by your general doctor.

8. The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest by Dan Buettner While we’ve been taught that your lifespan/genes dictate whether you will likely see 100 years old, this book goes in-depth in the study of centenarians. The study is based on their geographic regions, their lifestyles, spirituality, and community. Very good read.

The general summary of health as I understand and live it comes down to digestive health/efficiency, liver optimization, importance of drinking water quality, consciousness of breathing patterns and optimizing Melatonin & Glutathione levels with adequate deep REM sleep & Vitamin D from sunlight. That is the game of health in an nutshell…

Current/Future Reading List

The following list of books are currently being read or are in Amazon carts for future reading.

1. Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology by Dr. Johnjoe McFadden & Dr. Jim Al-Khalili

2. DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible by Dr. Rick Strassman

3. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor by Dr. Gerald Pollack

4. Far Journeys by Robert Monroe

5. Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness by Dr. Tony Wright & Graham Gynn

6. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

7. Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives by Dr. Jim B. Tucker

8. Clairvoyance and Materialization: A Record of Experiments by Dr. Gustave Geley

9. The Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East by Robert Collier

10. The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal Is Bringing Science and Spirit Together by Dr. Charles Tart

11. How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist by Dr. Andrew Newberg

12. Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide by Sanaya Roman

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(I’m not gonna lie… I hated ‘The Reading Rainbow’ theme song as a kid)


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